Steal Someone’s Thunder: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
The idiom “steal someone’s thunder” is used to describe the act of taking credit for someone else’s ideas, achievements, or accomplishments. It implies overshadowing or diminishing someone else’s success or attention by diverting it to oneself. The phrase originates from a literal example in the theater world, where sound effects were used to create the sound of thunder during performances. If someone were to steal someone else’s thunder, they would take credit for producing the thunderous sound effects, thus overshadowing the original creator.
Example 1:
Imagine a group of students working on a science project together. One student, Alice, comes up with a brilliant idea for an experiment. She excitedly shares her idea with the group, hoping to receive praise and recognition. However, before Alice has the chance to present her idea, another student, Bob, interrupts and presents a similar concept as his own. Bob steals Alice’s thunder by taking credit for the idea, leaving her feeling frustrated and unacknowledged.
Example 2:
In a business setting, suppose a young employee named Sarah comes up with a groundbreaking marketing strategy for a new product launch. She spends weeks researching and refining her ideas, excited to present them to her boss. However, during a team meeting, her colleague, John, steals Sarah’s thunder by presenting a modified version of her strategy as his own. He receives praise and recognition from their superiors, leaving Sarah feeling disheartened and robbed of the credit she deserved.
In both examples, someone’s thunder is stolen when another person deliberately takes credit for their ideas or accomplishments. This can lead to feelings of frustration, resentment, and a lack of recognition for the original person’s efforts. The idiom emphasizes the unfairness of the situation, as it implies that the person who steals the thunder is benefiting from someone else’s hard work and creativity.

Sentences on “Steal Someone’s Thunder”
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