Top Banana: Meaning, Examples and Sentences
Elaboration and Examples:
The idiom “Top Banana” is an informal expression that refers to the person who holds the highest position or has the most authority in a group or organization. It originates from the traditional comedic hierarchy in vaudeville acts, where the performer with the top billing and the most prominent role would often receive a literal banana as a symbol of their status. In a broader sense, being the “Top Banana” means being the leader, the most important person, or the one in charge.
Example 1:
Imagine a school play where students are assigned different roles. The lead actor, who has the most lines and commands the stage, is considered the “Top Banana” among the cast. They have the responsibility of setting the tone for the entire performance and leading the other actors. They may also have the final say in creative decisions and receive the most recognition for their performance.
Example 2:
In a corporate setting, the CEO or the company’s president can be referred to as the “Top Banana.” They hold the highest position in the organization, making crucial decisions, setting the vision, and guiding the company’s overall direction. They have the ultimate authority and are responsible for the success of the company. Other employees may look up to them for guidance and direction.
Overall, the idiom “Top Banana” signifies being at the forefront, having the most influence, and holding a position of authority. It implies being the one who stands out from the rest and assumes a leadership role in a given context.

Sentences on “Top Banana”
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