Under the Weather: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “under the weather” is used to describe someone who is feeling unwell or in a state of physical discomfort, often due to illness or fatigue. It implies a temporary condition where the person is not at their best or is experiencing a slight decline in their overall well-being. The phrase suggests that the person is not able to perform at their usual level of energy or enthusiasm.

Example 1:

Emma woke up with a headache, sore throat, and a stuffy nose. She felt under the weather and decided to stay home from school. She spent the day resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking medicine to help alleviate her symptoms. Despite missing a day of school, she knew it was important to prioritize her health and allow herself time to recover.

Example 2:

Jacob had been working long hours for several consecutive days to meet an important deadline. He felt exhausted and mentally drained. Although he wanted to continue working, he realized he was under the weather and needed to take a break. He decided to take a day off from work to rest, recharge, and regain his energy. By acknowledging his physical and mental fatigue, Jacob ensured that he could perform better and avoid burnout in the long run.

In both examples, the individuals recognize that they are not feeling their best and choose to prioritize their well-being over other commitments. They understand the importance of taking care of themselves and allowing their bodies to recover. “Under the weather” conveys the temporary nature of their discomfort and serves as a reminder to listen to their bodies and take necessary measures to regain their health and vitality.

Under the Weather

Sentences on “Under the Weather”

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