Under the Weather: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “under the weather” is used to describe someone who is feeling unwell or in a state of physical discomfort, often due to illness or fatigue. It implies a temporary condition where the person is not at their best or is experiencing a slight decline in their overall well-being. The phrase suggests that the person is not able to perform at their usual level of energy or enthusiasm.

Example 1:

Emma woke up with a headache, sore throat, and a stuffy nose. She felt under the weather and decided to stay home from school. She spent the day resting, drinking plenty of fluids, and taking medicine to help alleviate her symptoms. Despite missing a day of school, she knew it was important to prioritize her health and allow herself time to recover.

Example 2:

Jacob had been working long hours for several consecutive days to meet an important deadline. He felt exhausted and mentally drained. Although he wanted to continue working, he realized he was under the weather and needed to take a break. He decided to take a day off from work to rest, recharge, and regain his energy. By acknowledging his physical and mental fatigue, Jacob ensured that he could perform better and avoid burnout in the long run.

In both examples, the individuals recognize that they are not feeling their best and choose to prioritize their well-being over other commitments. They understand the importance of taking care of themselves and allowing their bodies to recover. “Under the weather” conveys the temporary nature of their discomfort and serves as a reminder to listen to their bodies and take necessary measures to regain their health and vitality.

Under the Weather

Sentences on “Under the Weather”

Sarah woke up with a stuffy nose and a cough, feeling under the weather. She told her mom she didn’t feel well and needed to stay home from school.

Timmy’s little sister, Emily, had a fever and was sneezing a lot. He knew she was under the weather, so he made her a cozy blanket fort to help her feel better.

Max was supposed to play soccer with his friends, but he felt tired and had a headache. He told them he was under the weather and needed to rest instead.

Emma had a sore throat and couldn’t taste her favorite ice cream. She felt a bit under the weather and asked her mom for some warm chicken soup to make her feel better.

Daniel had been playing outside in the rain and ended up catching a cold. He felt under the weather and stayed in bed with a book to pass the time.

Lily’s friend Amy had a bandage on her knee and couldn’t join the bike ride. Lily understood that Amy was feeling under the weather and stayed with her to watch a movie instead.

Jack’s mom noticed he had a flushed face and was shivering. She took his temperature and realized he was running a fever. Jack was definitely under the weather and needed some rest.

Hannah’s little brother had a tummy ache and didn’t want to eat. She knew he was feeling under the weather, so she made him a cup of ginger tea to soothe his stomach.

Ethan had been playing basketball all day and felt exhausted. He told his friends he was under the weather and decided to take a break and drink lots of water to rehydrate.

Mia had a headache and felt a bit dizzy. She knew she was under the weather and asked her teacher if she could sit quietly during class instead of participating in activities.

Alex had a sore throat and a runny nose, so he was feeling under the weather and couldn’t go to soccer practice.

Emily’s best friend, Sarah, had a fever and was coughing, so Emily knew she was under the weather and offered to help with her homework.

Liam woke up with a headache and aching muscles, feeling under the weather. He decided to take a day off from school to rest and recover.

Maya’s little sister had a stomachache and was pale. Maya understood that she was under the weather, so she made her a cup of warm tea and kept her company.

Jake had a cough and was sneezing a lot, making him feel under the weather. He decided to stay home and watch his favorite movies to feel better.

Emma had a sunburn after spending too much time at the beach. She felt under the weather and had to stay indoors and apply aloe vera to soothe her skin.

Ryan had a lot of homework to do, but he was feeling under the weather with a runny nose and a low energy level. He decided to take a break and rest before tackling his assignments.

Sophie had a headache and felt tired all day, making her feel under the weather. She asked her friends if they could postpone their study session to the next day.

Josh woke up with a fever and chills, feeling under the weather. He called his basketball coach to let him know he wouldn’t be able to make it to practice.

Olivia’s allergies were acting up, causing her to have itchy eyes and a stuffy nose. She felt a bit under the weather and took her allergy medication to alleviate the symptoms.

Sarah had been studying late into the night for her exams, and the next morning she woke up feeling exhausted and under the weather.

Max had a minor cold and was feeling under the weather, but he didn’t want to miss out on his friends’ movie night, so he bundled up and joined them.

Emily’s soccer practice was canceled because many of her teammates were feeling under the weather with flu-like symptoms.

Jake had been staying up late for several nights in a row to finish a school project, and as a result, he was feeling run-down and under the weather.

Alex had a headache and a stuffy nose, making him feel a little under the weather. He decided to take a break from his computer screen and rest for a while.

Olivia’s allergies were acting up, and she felt under the weather with sneezing and itchy eyes. She took her allergy medication and stayed indoors to avoid further discomfort.

Sophie had been practicing for a dance performance non-stop, and her body was starting to feel tired and under the weather. She took a day off to rest and recover.

Ryan woke up with a sore throat and a fever, feeling definitely under the weather. He called his teacher to inform them that he wouldn’t be able to attend school.

Mia had been working on a project with a tight deadline, and the stress was starting to take a toll on her. She felt mentally and physically under the weather and decided to take a break to recharge.

Lucas had a stomachache and felt nauseous, making him feel under the weather. He decided to skip his after-school activities and stayed home to rest and hydrate.

After pulling an all-nighter to finish a major assignment, I woke up feeling completely under the weather the next day.

I had been training hard for an upcoming marathon, but a sudden flu left me feeling under the weather and unable to run.

The stress of final exams and college applications took a toll on my immune system, and I ended up feeling under the weather during an important week.

Attending back-to-back social events and staying out late every night left me feeling exhausted and under the weather by the weekend.

I had planned a day trip with my friends, but a persistent headache and fatigue made me decide to stay home and rest instead, feeling under the weather.

A change in weather and seasonal allergies made me feel under the weather, with constant sneezing and congestion.

After a long week of work and late nights, I woke up on Saturday feeling completely under the weather and in need of a day of self-care.

The pressure of managing multiple responsibilities caught up with me, and I found myself feeling mentally and physically under the weather.

I pushed myself too hard during sports practice and ended up with a minor injury, leaving me feeling under the weather and unable to participate in upcoming games.

A recent loss in the family left me feeling emotionally drained and under the weather, making it difficult to focus on my daily activities.