Water Under the Bridge: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “Water under the bridge” refers to past events or situations that have occurred and are no longer relevant or worth dwelling upon. It suggests that the issues or conflicts have been resolved, forgiven, or forgotten, and it is now time to move on. The idiom implies that whatever has happened cannot be changed and is now a part of history.

Example 1:

Imagine two friends, Sarah and Emma, who had a disagreement a year ago. They stopped talking to each other and held onto their anger. However, after some time, they realized that their friendship was too important to be ruined over a small argument. They decided to meet and talk it out. During their conversation, they acknowledged that the disagreement was water under the bridge. They apologized to each other, forgave one another, and moved forward, strengthening their friendship.

Example 2:

Consider a sports team that lost an important game in the past season. The players were disappointed and frustrated, but they realized that dwelling on that loss wouldn’t change the outcome. Instead, they focused on their mistakes and worked hard to improve their skills during the off-season. When the new season began, they used the previous loss as motivation and approached each game with a fresh mindset. They understood that the past defeat was water under the bridge and used it as a learning experience to strive for success in the present.

In both examples, the idiom “water under the bridge” signifies the acceptance and acknowledgment that the past events or conflicts have been resolved and should no longer negatively impact the present or future. It encourages individuals to let go of grudges, move on from past mistakes, and focus on the present opportunities for growth and reconciliation.

Water Under the Bridge

Sentences on “Water Under the Bridge”

Tommy and I used to argue a lot about sharing toys, but now we’re friends again. It’s all water under the bridge.

Last year, I got upset when my friend accidentally broke my favorite toy, but I forgave him. It’s water under the bridge now.

My sister and I used to fight over the TV remote, but we’ve learned to take turns. Those arguments are water under the bridge.

Sometimes I make mistakes in school, but my teacher says it’s okay because it’s just water under the bridge.

My best friend and I had a disagreement about which game to play, but we worked it out. It’s all water under the bridge now.

I used to be afraid of the dark, but now I’m not. Those fears are water under the bridge.

I used to be upset when I didn’t win a game, but now I know it’s just water under the bridge. The important thing is to have fun.

My parents and I had a misunderstanding, but we talked it out and apologized. It’s water under the bridge now.

Sometimes my little brother annoys me, but I know it’s just water under the bridge. We’re still family.

My friend accidentally spilled juice on my favorite book, but I know it was an accident. It’s water under the bridge, and we’re still friends.

Last year, my friend and I had an argument over a silly misunderstanding, but we made up and now it’s water under the bridge.

I used to get upset when I didn’t do well on a test, but now I know that it’s just water under the bridge. I can always study harder next time.

My parents and I used to have disagreements about chores, but now we’ve found a routine that works for everyone. Those arguments are water under the bridge.

In elementary school, I had a falling out with my best friend, but now we’re closer than ever. The past is water under the bridge.

I used to worry a lot about what other people thought of me, but now I’ve learned to be confident in myself. Those insecurities are water under the bridge.

Sometimes I make mistakes in my artwork, but I’ve learned to embrace them as part of the creative process. It’s all water under the bridge.

I used to be afraid of speaking in front of the class, but I’ve overcome that fear. Those anxieties are water under the bridge now.

My sibling and I used to fight over the remote control, but we’ve learned to take turns and compromise. It’s all water under the bridge.

I used to feel embarrassed about my past fashion choices, but now I embrace my unique style. It’s all water under the bridge.

When I was younger, I used to get upset when plans didn’t go as expected, but now I’ve learned to go with the flow. It’s just water under the bridge.

In middle school, I had a falling out with one of my friends, but we’ve since reconciled and moved on. It’s all water under the bridge now.

I used to worry a lot about my past mistakes and regrets, but as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized that they are just water under the bridge.

Last summer, I didn’t get the internship I had applied for, but I’ve accepted it as water under the bridge and focused on new opportunities.

I used to hold grudges against people who wronged me, but now I understand that forgiving and forgetting is the best way to let things be water under the bridge.

When I was younger, I had conflicts with my siblings, but now we’ve matured and resolved our differences. It’s all water under the bridge.

I used to stress over small arguments with my parents, but we’ve learned to communicate better and let those disagreements become water under the bridge.

I had a disagreement with a classmate about a project, but we were able to work it out and move forward. It’s just water under the bridge now.

In the past, I struggled with self-doubt and insecurities, but I’ve grown more confident over the years. Those feelings are water under the bridge.

I used to worry about what people said about me behind my back, but now I realize that their opinions don’t define me. It’s all water under the bridge.

When I was younger, I had a crush on someone who didn’t feel the same way, but now I see it as water under the bridge and focus on my present relationships.

During my freshman year, I had a falling out with one of my closest friends, but over time, we both grew and realized that it was best to let it be water under the bridge.

Last summer, I missed out on an amazing opportunity to study abroad, but I’ve accepted it as water under the bridge and focused on making the most of my current experiences.

I used to hold grudges against people who betrayed my trust, but as I’ve matured, I’ve learned to let go and allow those experiences to become water under the bridge.

In high school, there were times when I felt excluded from certain social groups, but now that I’m nearing graduation, I see those moments as water under the bridge, knowing that I’ve found my true friends.

There have been times when I’ve clashed with my parents over decisions and choices, but we’ve learned to communicate better and let those disagreements become water under the bridge.

I used to dwell on past failures and setbacks, but as I navigate my final year of high school, I’ve come to understand that they are just water under the bridge on my journey to success.

In the past, I’ve had conflicts with classmates and engaged in unnecessary drama, but now I realize that it’s best to move on and let it all be water under the bridge.

I’ve had my fair share of heartbreak and disappointments in relationships, but I’ve learned to heal and see those experiences as water under the bridge, paving the way for better connections.

There were times when I felt overwhelmed by academic pressure and the fear of failure, but I’ve grown to understand that each setback is just water under the bridge in my pursuit of personal growth.

As I prepare to leave high school and step into the next chapter of my life, I reflect on all the ups and downs, knowing that they are now water under the bridge, shaping me into the person I am today.