Zip Your Lip: Meaning, Examples and Sentences

Elaboration and Examples:

The idiom “Zip Your Lip” is a colloquial expression that means to remain silent or keep quiet. It is often used as a command or a friendly reminder for someone to stop talking or to refrain from revealing information. The phrase emphasizes the importance of maintaining secrecy, not divulging sensitive details, or simply avoiding unnecessary chatter.

Example 1:

During a surprise party for their friend, Sarah, a group of friends is trying to keep the secret from her until the surprise moment. Dialogue: Emma: “Remember, everyone, when Sarah walks in, we need to zip our lips and act natural.” Josh: “Absolutely, we don’t want to spoil the surprise by giving anything away.”

In this example, “Zip Your Lip” is used as a reminder to keep quiet and avoid inadvertently revealing the surprise to Sarah.

Example 2:

A student overhears a conversation between two teachers discussing the upcoming exam questions. Dialogue: Lily: “I accidentally overheard Mr. Johnson and Ms. Davis discussing the exam questions.” Benjamin: “That’s confidential information, Lily. You need to zip your lip and not share it with anyone else.”

In this situation, “Zip Your Lip” is used to caution the student about the importance of keeping the conversation confidential and refraining from spreading the information to others.

The idiom emphasizes the need for silence and discretion in specific situations, highlighting the importance of not revealing secrets or sensitive information. It serves as a reminder to be mindful of what one says and to exercise restraint in conversation.

Zip Your Lip

Sentences on “Zip Your Lip”

Mom: “Remember, when we surprise Grandma, we have to zip our lips and not spoil the secret.” Child: “I won’t say a word, Mom! My lips are zipped!”

During a game of hide-and-seek, one of the kids accidentally discovers a great hiding spot.
Child 1: “Wow, this hiding spot is amazing! I can’t wait to tell everyone!”
Child 2: “No, no! Zip your lip! We want it to stay a secret.”

Teacher: “Class, we have a surprise guest coming in today. Let’s keep it a surprise by zipping our lips about it.”
Student: “I promise, teacher. My lips are zipped. I won’t say a thing!”

Friends are sharing their secrets during a sleepover.
Friend 1: “I have a secret crush on Jake!”
Friend 2: “Oh, really? Zip your lip, or he might find out!”

Siblings are planning a surprise party for their parents.
Child 1: “We should get them a cake shaped like their favorite movie!”
Child 2: “Shh, zip your lip! They might hear us!”

A friend accidentally reveals the ending of a movie they saw.
Child 1: “The good guy wins at the end!”
Child 2: “Hey, zip your lip! You just spoiled the surprise for me!”

Kids are playing a game of hide-and-seek in the park.
Child 1: “I found the perfect hiding spot behind the big tree!”
Child 2: “Don’t tell anyone! Zip your lip, or they’ll find us too easily.”

Children are secretly planning a surprise breakfast for their parents on their anniversary.
Child 1: “We’ll wake up early and make pancakes!”
Child 2: “Keep it quiet! Zip your lip, or they’ll hear us in the morning.”

Kids are sharing their wish lists for Christmas.
Child 1: “I really want the new video game console!”
Child 2: “Remember, zip your lip about it. We don’t want Santa to know!”

A friend starts to tell a joke that could be embarrassing for someone else.
Child 1: “I know that joke, but let’s zip our lips about it. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

Mom: “We’re going to surprise Dad with a special gift for his birthday. Remember to zip your lip and keep it a secret!”
Child: “Don’t worry, Mom, my lips are zipped! Dad won’t suspect a thing!”

During a game of charades, a friend starts giving hints for the word they’re acting out.
Child 1: “I know the answer! It’s ‘elephant’!”
Child 2: “Zip your lip, or you’ll spoil the game for everyone else!”

Teacher: “We have a surprise field trip planned for tomorrow. Let’s keep it a surprise by zipping our lips about it.”
Student: “No problem, teacher. My lips are sealed. I won’t give it away!”

Siblings are planning a surprise party for their older sister.
Child 1: “We should invite all her friends from school!”
Child 2: “Shh, zip your lip! We want it to be a big surprise!”

A friend accidentally reveals the plot twist of a book they’re reading.
Child 1: “The main character turns out to be a secret spy!”
Child 2: “Zip your lip! I haven’t finished reading it yet.”

Kids are playing a game of “Truth or Dare.”
Child 1: “I dare you to tell us your biggest fear!”
Child 2: “Sorry, can’t do that. Zip your lip, or it won’t be a secret anymore.”

Children are planning a surprise talent show for their parents.
Child 1: “I’m going to sing a song for them!”
Child 2: “Remember, zip your lip. We want it to be a surprise performance.”

Kids are discussing their strategy for a scavenger hunt.
Child 1: “I think the clue leads to the park!”
Child 2: “Keep it quiet! Zip your lip, or the other teams might hear us.”

A friend starts gossiping about a classmate.
Child 1: “Let’s not spread rumors. Zip your lip, or it could hurt someone’s feelings.”

At a study group, one friend accidentally mentions the answer to a difficult math problem. Student 1: “Hey, zip your lip! We don’t want the others to know the answer right away.”

During a group discussion about a sensitive topic, one person starts sharing personal information.
Student 1: “Zip your lip, please. Let’s respect each other’s privacy and keep the conversation focused.”

At a party, a friend starts revealing embarrassing stories about someone.
Teen 1: “Hey, zip your lip! We’re here to have fun, not embarrass each other.”

A classmate tries to guess the surprise destination for the school trip.
Student 1: “My lips are sealed. Zip your lip, or you’ll ruin the surprise for everyone.”

Friends are discussing their plans for the summer break.
Teen 1: “I might go on a road trip with my family.”
Teen 2: “Zip your lip, dude! I haven’t finalized my plans yet.”

While watching a movie with friends, one person starts spoiling the ending.
Teen 1: “Seriously, zip your lip! We want to enjoy the movie without knowing what happens.”

In a group project, one team member suggests sharing the answers with another group.
Student 1: “Zip your lip! We’re not supposed to share our work with other teams.”

Friends are talking about a surprise birthday gift for a mutual friend.
Teen 1: “I heard she wants a new guitar.”
Teen 2: “Zip your lip! We don’t want her to find out before the party.”

During a game of poker, someone accidentally reveals their strategy.
Teen 1: “Zip your lip, buddy! We don’t want the other players to know our plan.”

Friends are discussing their college application essays.
Teen 1: “I wrote about my volunteering experience.”
Teen 2: “Zip your lip! We’re supposed to keep our essay topics to ourselves.”

During a heated argument, one friend starts revealing personal secrets about another.
Teen 1: “Hey, zip your lip! We’re supposed to be friends. Don’t cross that line.”

At a family gathering, a relative starts discussing a sensitive topic.
Teen 1: “Please, zip your lip. Let’s keep the peace and avoid any unnecessary conflicts.”

During a team meeting, one member starts criticizing another’s ideas.
Teen 1: “Zip your lip for a moment. Let’s listen to everyone’s ideas without judgment.”

Friends are discussing a surprise party for a mutual friend.
Teen 1: “Remember, zip your lip! We want it to be a complete surprise.”

In a study group, one student starts giving away the answers to a test.
Teen 1: “Come on, zip your lip! We need to study and earn our grades honestly.”

During a job interview preparation session, one person starts sharing interview questions and answers.
Teen 1: “Zip your lip, please. We should each prepare in our own way without shortcuts.”

Friends are planning a surprise weekend getaway for another friend.
Teen 1: “No one mention it to her. Zip your lip, or she’ll find out.”

At a basketball game, a teammate accidentally reveals the opposing team’s strategy.
Teen 1: “Zip your lip! We need to keep their strategy a secret and use it to our advantage.”

Friends are discussing a secret crush one of them has.
Teen 1: “Zip your lip, okay? Let’s respect their privacy and not spread the word.”

During a debate competition, one team member starts sharing the opposing team’s arguments. Teen 1: “Hey, zip your lip! We need to rely on our own research and arguments to win.”