Complaint Letter to the State Electricity Board about Power Cuts

Experiencing frequent power cuts can be highly frustrating, impacting our daily lives and productivity. Our comprehensive guide provides you with a well-crafted Complaint Letter template to address the State Electricity Board regarding this issue. We offer step-by-step instructions and valuable tips to help you compose a formal and effective letter, outlining the frequency and duration of the power cuts, their negative consequences, and the urgent need for a reliable power supply. By following our expert advice, you can articulate your concerns clearly, demand a resolution, and advocate for improved electricity services in your area. Take action now and make your voice heard!

Complaint Letter to the State Electricity Board

Write a letter to the Chief Engineer of your State Electricity Board, complaining about the frequent power cuts in your area and requesting him/her to take necessary steps to resolve the issue.


The Chief Engineer,
State Electricity Board,
[Your State],
[Your City],
[Pin Code]

Subject: Complaint regarding frequent power cuts in our area

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention the frequent power cuts that have been occurring in our area for the past few months. I am a resident of [Your Area], and I live in [Your Apartment No.] on the [Your Floor No.] floor. The power cuts have become a daily occurrence, and it is causing a lot of inconvenience to the residents of our locality. The power cuts happen at irregular intervals and sometimes last for hours, which has affected our daily routine and work.

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