English Music Vocabulary – English Conversation on How to Play Keyboard
Wonderful English conversation between two brothers with perfect English dialogues. In which the elder brother teaches the younger brother how to play the keyboard professionally. Also included are perfect English sentences that you can learn and apply in a similar situation. Learn English music vocabulary that includes many new words and phrases. By going through this incredible conversation, you can improve your English language skills as well as your music career.
All of the dialogues from English Music Vocabulary Video
Justin: Hey, why are you sad?
Jason: You can’t help me, or can you?
Justin: Well, I can try my best.
Jason: I am not able to play the song the way you play it on the keyboard.
Justin: Are you talking about the one I play always?
Jason: Yes. It’s been 10 days now.
Justin: Hmm…. I suggest you start back from the basics. Begin with the five-finger exercise. Then jump back to the song and see if you find any difference while playing.
Jason: Do you really think that will help? Because seriously Justin, I’m all drained out.
Justin: Come on Jason, you’re halfway through. You just have to do a bit more. You won’t give up, okay?
Jason: Hhmm, I will not!
Justin: Great! I bet you’ll end up getting this really good. Have faith in yourself, that’s all.
Jason: And, since you are here, I want to ask you something more.
Justin: What is it?
Jason: Well, the other day when I attended the keyboard classes, my teacher told me that unless my fingers are flexible, I will not be able to play the keyboard professionally. What does she mean?
Justin: She means you need to train your fingers. That’s all!
Jason: And how do I do that?
Justin: By practice. Practice the five finger movements slowly, and then gradually speed up to achieve flexibility.
Jason: And how much time will that take?
Justin: Honestly speaking, you shouldn’t expect that you will get everything right in a day or two. It takes time. And I hope you know that.
Jason: Yes, I do. It just got more clear to me now.
Justin: Great! This means you might need to work on it maybe for a month before you move on to the song.
Jason: A month?
Justin: Yes, but if you practice for about two hours each day, then…
Jason: Then what?
Justin: Then…. You might manage to master it in a week or two.
Jason: Makes sense. I shall start practicing today itself.
Justin: Sounds good.
Jason: Hmm… you know I’ve also heard that you should keep both your hands on the keyboard. What is that?
Justin: Well, actually the positioning of your hand and placement of your fingers plays a very important role in playing the keyboard well.
Jason: And how is that?
Justin: If you train your fingers to always position gently over the keys without actually pressing them, it becomes easy to play any notes. Especially, if they are spread across the keyboard.
Jason: That makes perfect logic. Thanks for guiding me Justin.
Justin: My pleasure. (Smiles)
Related Vocabulary from the Video Above
Word: Keyboard
Meaning: a musical instrument with a set of keys
Usage 1] I was supposed to practice using the keyboard.
Usage 2] On his keyboard, he played the song.
Word: Drained out
Meaning: very tired
Usage 1] Suddenly, he felt completely drained.
Usage 2] This note has drained away my enthusiasm.
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