Talking About Music – Practice English Conversation Online
We all have favorite songs that we listen to over and over again and appreciate. In this situation, a few of them are so fussy that they would refuse to listen to anything but their preferred music. And it may quickly devolve into a heated debate in which everyone tries to show that their preferred music is superior to all others. If you’re passionate about music and want to talk about why it’s so precious to you, this English video lesson is for you. Read the dialogues in this video and practice English conversation online. You can then apply the same terminology in comparable situations.
All of the dialogues used in the video to Practice English Conversation Online
Marty: Hey Justin, isn’t it quite dull here?
Justin: I know Marty, should we play some music?
Marty: Of course, nothing could be better.
Justin: Let’s listen to some pop songs.
Marty: Nah! That’s not my taste.
Justin: Oh, I thought you liked it.
Marty: Yes, you are right. Those were the initial days when I seriously started listening to music but then gradually inclined towards rock, you know.
Justin: Oh really?
Marty: Yeah, the pounding drums and distorted guitars really get me. It has its own unique vibe.
Justin: I understand, for me, I’m leaning towards the pop genre.
Marty: Probably cause that’s trending?
Justin: No, of course not. I’ve kind of started relating with it. It keeps me minded.
Marty: I see. But pop covers a variety of vibes. Which of them do you prefer?
Justin: No, nothing particular it’s just pop.
Marty: Another aspect about rock that I wanted to mention, is that it’s an organic genre and packed with real instruments. That’s what I am, totally natural.
Justin: Of course, it relates to a saying – “You are what you like.”
Marty: Very true.
Justin: But what is so great about rock?
Marty: Zilch. None of the genres are great, as such.
Justin: I didn’t get you. What do you mean?
Marty: It is only that each genre has its own vibe. Then it depends on what people are most comfortable with.
Justin: Cannot agree more.
Marty: Now, I really need some music, the weather can’t get any worse.
Justin: Okay, fine, uh… let’s play some rock songs.
Marty: You’re my brother! This is why I love you. You always seem to make everyone comfortable around you.
Justin: Uh, you’re now flattering me. I thought at least I will get the vibe of rock because I don’t know much about it, you see.
Marty: Its fine. Within due course of time you will start liking it.
Justin: That’s also true. (plays the music)
Practice English Conversation Online video Related Vocabulary
Word: Dull
Meaning: boring
Usage i] The House looked quite dull.
Usage ii] The movie was deadly dull.
Word: Pop music
Meaning: a type of music
Usage i] My dad thinks pop music today is very exciting.
Usage ii] Tia listens to pop music.
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