Most Iconic / Meaningful / Heartfelt Poems about Fear
Welcome to our website, where we present a wonderful collection of poems about fear that are perfect for students and learners. Our platform is dedicated to providing a unique and creative way to understand and express the complex emotions associated with fear.
Our collection features a diverse range of poems that explore the various facets of fear, including its causes, effects, and ways to overcome it. From classic works to contemporary pieces, our selection offers an insightful and inspiring perspective.
Whether you are looking to understand your own fears or seeking ways to overcome them, our website offers a valuable resource. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth as we explore the power of poetry in helping us understand and conquer our fears.

Scared Cat
Sometimes I feel so scared,
It makes me want to hide.
I don’t know why it happens,
It’s like a knot inside.
Sometimes it’s just a shadow,
That seems to come alive.
And sometimes it’s a sound,
That makes me feel so frightened.
My heart starts to race,
And I feel so alone.
I wish I could be brave,
And make the fear be gone.
But then I think of all the things,
That make me feel so safe.
Like snuggles with my teddy bear,
And stories with my face.
I think of all the people,
Who love and care for me.
And how they’ll always be there,
No matter what may be.
And slowly, my fear starts to fade,
As I remember all these things.
And I realize that I’m not alone,
And I can face anything.
In the Dark
I thought I knew what fear was,
When I was just a child.
The monsters in my closet,
The shadows in the wild.
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