Learn to Speak Fluent English – Making Weekend Plans

Weekends are exhilarating, but weekdays are tiring. People eagerly anticipate spending their weekends with family or friends. However, planning a great weekend is difficult since it takes a lot of debate among friends when selecting what to do and where to go. There are a lot of back-and-forth conversations about it, and it sometimes ends in a sad cancellation. In any case, we chat a lot during this process, so take advantage of it by learning to speak fluent English and practicing it on a daily basis. Language fluency increases your confidence and allows you to talk more efficiently, impressing people in the process. It may also inspire people in your family or circle of acquaintances to learn English and speak it fluently.

All the Dialogues from the Video above to Learn to Speak Fluent English

Learn to Speak Fluent English

Justin: Hey John! What’s up!
John: Hey Justin, what brings you here?
Justin: I have come here to discuss a couple of things. Maybe we can share our ideas and then come to a conclusion.
John: Sure. What is it about?
Justin: Uh… I’m planning to do something exciting this weekend. Kind of a get together with friends.
John: That’s mind blowing! Now that our academic year has ended and we have nothing to worry about, we can always think about something sporty.
Justin: Yes exactly, but genuinely speaking I will need your help. I have almost run out of ideas now.
John: Okay, what is on your mind?
Justin: Though I am not for it but I did think of meeting at our regular club.
John: Hmm… I think we can plan a trip to the beach! What do you say?
Justin: You see there, didn’t I say I am lost? On the beach, is a great idea! But when can that be? This Saturday…. or Sunday?
John: Oh, could be any one of them! (smiling)
Justin: Fine, let’s make it to Sunday.
John: Awesome! So, I guess today we can inform all our friends about this decision.
Justin: Sooner the better.

Learn to Speak Fluent English

John: (Speaks to himself) No no no, how could I have forgotten such an important thing? Sorry buddy we need to keep this for some other day.
Justin: What happened? Is something wrong?
John: I have an examination due on Monday and hence I need to start preparing for it today onwards. And these types of examinations are not easy to pass. I really need to invest some time with it.
Justin: Oh dear, but the academic year has ended. So, which examination are you talking about?
John: I had enrolled myself to an online course early this academic year and I almost forgot about its examination date.
Justin: Now, this is all messed up.
John: I’m extremely sorry Justin. I suggest you all should visit the beach this Sunday. Whenever we schedule another trip I shall surely come along.
Justin: There’s no need to be sorry John. I totally understand your situation. But the examination is even more important, isn’t it? We can always postpone our trip, right?
John: Yes, without me it won’t be fun either… ha ha ha
Justin: Ha ha ha, I suggest you attend your examination after which we shall schedule our trip.
John: Sure. Thanks for understanding, dude.
Justin: I am with you. Anyways, I have had a great time speaking with you John, I have to leave now, see you later. By the way good luck for your exams.
John: Thanks bro. Bye bye!

Video Related Vocabulary to Learn to Speak Fluent English

Word: Conclusion
Meaning: the end result
Usage 1] I haven’t reached to any conclusion.
Usage 2] Harry jumped to conclusions very fast.

Word: Couple
Meaning: a few
Usage 1] I played it a couple of times.
Usage 2] I sent him a couple of messages.

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