At the Pharmacy – Daily English Conversation

Conversation that takes place on a daily basis in English between a chemist and a customer at the pharmacy. Excellent method for learning English by listening to and participating in conversations on a wide range of subjects. because it provides an example of the kind of conversations that might be appropriate in a setting like that. In addition to this, you will gain an understanding of the vocabulary that is relevant, which will help you communicate more effectively and increase your confidence. Good communication skills will always come in handy for resolving any issues, regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in. If you are fluent in English, you will have the opportunity to grasp not only medical jargon but also documents generated by medical professionals.

All the Dialogues from At the Pharmacy Video

at the pharmacy

Justin: Excuse me, please can you help me with a strip of xyz medicine?
Pharmacist: Certainly, I will need the prescription.
Justin: I’m sorry, I didn’t carry it with me. I have been buying from you since some time though.
Pharmacist: I understand Sir, but this particular medicine cannot be given just over the counter. I’m afraid but I will need the prescription.
Justin: Hhmm, let me check my wallet.
Pharmacist: Take your time.
Justin: Hey, here you go. I had it with me.
Pharmacist: I am glad. Are these meds prescribed for you?
Justin: No, they are for my mom. She suffers from high blood pressure since long.
Pharmacist: Okay, I get you. You were asking only for XYZ, which is the fourth in your prescription list. Don’t you wish to buy the other three as well?
Justin: My mom drove downtown for shopping and in the process bought these medicines from a chemist there. xyz wasn’t available with them. Therefore, my mom suggested me to check here at uptown.
Pharmacist: Don’t worry we have it in our stock. Let me fetch it for you.
Justin: Sounds great. I’m so relieved.
Pharmacist: Do you wish to buy only one strip of it?
Justin: She needs only one but since it’s scarce, I’ll rather go for two strips.
Pharmacist: Very well then. Here you go.
Justin: Thank you so much, can you also tell me how to take these medicines?
Pharmacist: It’s pretty straight forward. One tablet after breakfast and one after dinner.
Justin: But what if she skips the dinner as she does always and takes the tablet?
Pharmacist: No, she needs to have something before taking these medicines.

at the pharmacy vocabulary

Justin: I see, are there any side effects of this medicine? I actually never enquired about this earlier.
Pharmacist: It’s common to experience weakness, drowsiness and dizziness after few hours of consumption of these medicines. Having a meal before consuming them should prevent you from getting these side effects.
Justin: Ok, now I got it why few meds are recommended to have only after eating something. It’s very important to follow the right approach.
Pharmacist: Exactly.
Justin: Thank you for all the insightful information you provided, it means a lot to me.
Pharmacist: Do you wish to buy anything else?
Justin: Hhmm, I guess a bottle of hand sanitizer?
Pharmacist: 500ml or 1000ml?
Justin: 1000ml will do as it lasts longer.
Pharmacist: I understand, here you go.
Justin: Thank you. How much do I pay?
Pharmacist: 12 dollars.
Justin: Okay, here it is. Can I get a receipt for this?
Pharmacist: Of course, give me a minute. I will need to generate it.
Justin: Perfect.
Pharmacist: Please take your receipt and the balance.
Justin: Thank you so much for your assistance. Have a good day.
Pharmacist: Thank you for visiting our pharmacy.

At the Pharmacy Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Prescription
Meaning: written order from a doctor for the supply of medicine
Usage 1: I need a prescription from the doctor to buy this medication.
Usage 2: She had trouble reading the prescription.

Word: Over the counter
Meaning: drugs sold without a prescription
Usage 1: Some medications can be bought over the counter without a prescription.
Usage 2: He prefers to buy his allergy medication over the counter.

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