Shopping at the Supermarket: Daily English Conversation
It is extremely normal for everyone to go for shopping at the supermarket. We discover new things and items daily in these stores. Also, we end up meeting numerous individuals, such as store assistants, counter workers, the manager, and security officers. And occasionally we run across familiar people, such as acquaintances, relatives, or coworkers. Conversations in English at these locales can be simplified if one is acquainted with the relevant vocabulary and dialogues. If you aren’t, don’t worry; the conversation below is about two friends who run into each other while shopping at the supermarket, start talking, letting the conversation flow naturally.
The Dialogues used in Shopping at the Supermarket Video
(Inside the supermarket)
Lia: Hey Sofia, what a co-incidence!
Sofia: Oh hi, yes, it is. My mom is a regular. I usually do not visit the supermarket.
Lia: Is it? Ditto. My brother made a special request to prepare blueberry pie. And where else I can find the finest blueberries than here.
Sofia: That’s true. My mom buys fruits from here as well. They are always very fresh and crisp.
Lia: Hmm… that is the reason I’m here. By the way what are you looking for?
Sofia: Gouda cheese but it seems they have once again changed the position of food racks.
Lia: True, I am visiting after more than a month. And finding it difficult to scan items. It’s very confusing and time consuming.
Sofia: Finally, there it is. I found the cheese blocks.
Lia: Great, you carry on while I will go and pick a pack of blueberries.
Sofia: Okay.
(Few minutes later)
Lia: Hey Sofia, would you like to try some quinoa?
Sofia: Sure, but the last time I bought it was from xyz brand and was of poor quality. My mom was quite disappointed.
Lia: You should try abc brand. It is really superb. We always buy this one and we are pretty happy with it.
Sofia: In that case I will pick one for me too. I love quinoa but hope this one tastes good.
Lia: You will not regret. It tastes really authentic.
Sofia: Now that’s inviting.
Lia: Take my word for it. Besides, quinoa with salmon makes a divine treat.
Sofia: I did not know that.
Lia: It’s my favorite. You must buy tinned tuna from here, it’s available in different varieties. I’ve tried almost all. They all taste really good.
Sofia: I’m afraid but I cannot buy tuna as I’m allergic to it.
Lia: I see, never knew that.
Sofia: Taking precaution makes sense, you see.
Lia: Then you must try salmon.
Sofia: Hmm…, that sounds tempting. But where can I find salmon?
Lia: They are always stacked in aisle 12 on the first floor.
Sofia: Wow, I’m impressed. You seem to be knowing much about this store.
Lia: (laughs)
Sofia: What?
Lia: Nothing great, it’s just that I picked one for myself before I bumped into you.
Sofia: Ah, well. I had just begun wondering how could you be so well informed about the products in the supermarket.
Lia: I thought so. Anyways, I’m checking out as I’m done with the shopping.
Sofia: Please go ahead. I still need to buy few things. See you later.
Lia: See you soon. Bye.
Shopping at the Supermarket Related Vocabulary
Word: Co-incidence
Meaning: Remarkable events without apparent cause
Usage 1: It was a coincidence that we both came to the supermarket at the same time.
Usage 2: The co-incidence made us meet and catch up on things.
Word: Regular
Meaning: Routine visitor or attendee
Usage 1: She is a regular customer of this store.
Usage 2: The regular customers often receive discounts and special offers.
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