English Conversation in Vegetable Market

It’s a beautiful and daily English conversation to practice English dialogues, vocabulary, and phrases in the vegetable market. Have a fantastic day shopping in the market. Since it is a daily activity for most of us, why not make it more trendy and unique? Learn new vocabulary for familiar vegetables and look at them from a different angle while learning and improving English.

Dialogues from English Conversation in Vegetable Market video

conversation in vegetable market

(At the vegetable vendor)

Justin: Excuse me, do you have broccoli?
Vendor: I’m sorry Sir but we are all out.
Justin: Never mind, do you have any idea where I can find it?
Vendor: I’m not sure but you can always check in the supermarket.
Justin: Oh okay, where is this supermarket located? I’m new to the city so not very well aware of the locality yet.
Vendor: I see, you need to walk along the street until you reach the traffic lights. That should take about 5 minutes and you should find it.
Justin: Very well, thank you.
Vendor: Have a great day.

(At the supermarket)

Justin: Excuse me, can you please help me find the vegetables?
Store Manager: Walk straight and then take right, you shall see the compartment having fresh fruits and vegetables.
Justin: Thank you.

(Checking the vegetables)

Justin: (talking to himself) Wow, there are plenty of vegetables available here. Hmm…. let me find the broccoli. Oh, there it is. Hmm…. they look fresh but….  tough and overgrown.
Justin: Excuse me, can you please tell me why these vegetables are tough in texture?
Store Manager: It’s because these have past their prime in the course of transport. Besides they are inorganic vegetables. They often overgrow and are tough.
Justin: That’s inevitable, in that case where can I find organic veggies?
Store Manager: Sure Sir. They are to your left.
Justin: Oh, okay.
Justin: (talking to himself) Hmm…. these look fresh as well tender in texture. I will stock up for the entire week and ahead.

conversation between seller and customer

Store Manager: I am at your service Sir. Please tell me what do you want?
Justin: Pack me one broccoli, 1 kg mixed pepper and half a kg red tomato.
Store Manager: Okay, please hold, while I pack these veggies for you.
Justin: Oh sure. Do you have fresh corn in stock?
Store Manager: I’m afraid we are all out Sir as it’s out of season now.
Justin: Oh, never knew that.
Store Manager: We do have frozen corns though, if you like to have them. They are very good in quality as well in taste.
Justin: Very well, please pack me 1 kg of that too as I love cheese corn quesadillas.
Store Manager: Sure Sir. Do you wish to buy anything else apart from these?
Justin: Oh yes, I remember now, how could I forget it. Do you have finely chopped French beans?
Store Manager: Yes, we do have. Here it is.
Justin: Okay let me see. My goodness they are quite overpriced.
Store Manager: That is because they are chopped. Chopped veggies are often costly as the job involves man hours to chop them up.
Justin: Fair enough. Anyways, I will rather go with regular French beans than chopped one.
Store Manager: That’s perfectly fine Sir. And what would be the quantity?
Justin: Get me half a kg of French beans and half a kg of red carrot.
Store Manager: Is that all?
Justin: Yes, I’m sure.
Store Manager: Perfect. You can make the payment at the cash counter and pick your items from there.
Justin: Thank you so much for your help.

English Conversation in Vegetable Market Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Broccoli
Meaning: Green vegetable with edible buds
Usage 1: Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable that is high in nutrients.
Usage 2: I love to steam broccoli and drizzle it with olive oil and lemon juice.

Word: Supermarket
Meaning: Large self-service store for groceries
Usage 1: I usually do my grocery shopping at the nearby supermarket.
Usage 2: The supermarket has a wide range of products.

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