Ordering Flowers Conversation
This English video lesson featuring ordering flowers conversation which will undoubtedly help you improve your Basic English. It will also help you gain confidence in speaking clearly and improve your communication skills. Wonderful English conversations between a florist and a customer while buying flowers. Learn some basic English words, phrases, and dialogues. Use the vocabulary confidently in a similar situation in your life, such as when you go to the florist to order flowers.
Every day, practice English with short conversations and dialogues. Speak English whenever you go shopping to enhance your vocabulary and mastery of the language. Because the more you communicate, the better you will become.
All of the Dialogues from Ordering Flowers Conversation video Above
Florist: Good morning Sir, how may I help you?
Justin: Hello there. I’d like to order some flowers.
Florist: Okay, whom do you want to gift these flowers to?
Justin: They are for my mother.
Florist: I get it. Can you please tell me what type of flowers would you like to order? We have many options to choose from.
Justin: Hmm…. Actually, I don’t know much about flowers. Can you suggest something?
Florist: Sure. Please tell me what the occasion is.
Justin: It’s her birthday.
Florist: Okay, do you know what’s her favorite color?
Justin: She loves white.
Florist: I must say your mother has a good color choice. So according to me she would love white lilies.
Justin: Yes, I am sure she will.
Florist: So, I will make a bouquet of white lilies.
Justin: I’m afraid, I forgot to mention that she even loves yellow flowers.
Florist: Never mind, I can still help you with something best for her.
Justin: Really? That would be awesome. I just want to see her happy today.
Florist: I have a great idea of making a lovely bouquet of some white lilies and yellow daffodils in combination with some green lime flowers. What do you say?
Justin: Amazing, it does add up. You are the best I must say. I am sure my mom will love it. But…
Florist: Please don’t hesitate if you have any doubt.
Justin: Ah… it’s just that my mom is very particular and I don’t want to disappoint her.
Florist: I get you sir but what is your point here?
Justin: Please make sure the flowers are fresh and fragrant.
Florist: Not to worry sir, I will personally check everything and will make sure that it is perfect.
Justin: Okay, will this take a lot of time?
Florist: It will take only 10 mins sir. Meanwhile you can check our other products. The gift items, cards, chocolates and balloons on the other side might interest you.
Justin: I’m glad that you have paired such exclusive items along with flowers. People often tend to buy gift articles in addition to the flowers.
Florist: Very true Sir, that’s the reason I suggest you to check them out.
Justin: I would have loved to but the fact is that my mom is not very fond of such fancy items. She loves being simple.
Florist: That’s perfectly fine Sir, here you go, your bouquet is ready.
Justin: Wow, this is so pretty. My mom is going to love this.
Florist: I’m glad you liked it.
Justin: How much do I pay for this?
Florist: Only 10 dollars.
Justin: Take this.
Florist: Thank you Sir, do visit us again for any occasions.
Justin: Thank you so much. I appreciate it. By the way, can I have your card please?
Florist: Sure, here is our business card, now you can order flowers online too and we will deliver it at your doorstep.
Justin: Good to know that. Thank you.
Ordering Flowers Conversation Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Florist
Meaning: a person who sells and arranges flowers
Usage 1: I bought the bouquet from a florist down the street.
Usage 2: I’m going to visit the florist to pick out some flowers for my friend’s birthday.
Word: Suggest
Meaning: presenting or offering for consideration
Usage 1: I suggest we add some daisies to the arrangement.
Usage 2: The florist suggested using a vase with a narrow opening for the bouquet.
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