Learn English for Kids: Conversation between Siblings

In any relationship, communication and understanding are interdependent aspects that contribute to strong bonding. We all have a special bond with our siblings, which may be strengthened by properly cultivating it. We chat to our siblings all the time, but having a friendly discussion with them may take the connection to a new level of understanding. This English video shows two brothers conversing in a pleasant manner, which is ideal for kids to learn to speak English. Without a doubt, an excellent video for kids to practice speaking English online.

All of the dialogues in the English Speaking for Kids video above

It’s about a conversation that my little brother and I have, when we are back from school. He reached home early while I am late.

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Jason: Ah! There he comes!
Justin: Hey Jason! Sorry to keep you waiting.
Jason: That’s not fair. But why are you so late?
Justin: Calm down Jason. I bumped into some of my buddies from swimming classes. It’s bad manners to leave your friends abruptly. Therefore, we had a small chat and I immediately left from there.
Jason: I understand. You are very late though. Don’t let this happen again. I get very upset.
Justin: Noted my little brother. Now let’s get in.

(They get in the house)

Jason: I don’t think you are noticing but we haven’t played the past few days. We would always play football in the evening, right? Then what happened suddenly?
Justin: Nothing (laughs)
Jason: Seriously, you can’t hide anything from me.
Justin: No, I’m not hiding anything from you, it’s just that you are overreacting. Daily evening I’m going to the school ground to play football with my team and you know that.

english speaking for kids

Jason: Why can’t you take me along?
Justin: Sorry but I can’t do that.
Jason: But I too wish to play football with you and your friends. I know the game well.
Justin: No, I mean we are not playing a friendly match there and hence they won’t let you in. We are practicing for an inter-school football tournament.
Jason: Oh, I see.
Justin: The tournament is scheduled to be on this Sunday and therefore as a team we need to put extra efforts if we want to win.
Jason: In that case what will I do till then. It’s just Monday today.
Justin: Maybe you can improve on your skills in the meantime. Once we are done with this tournament, you can then be able to cope up with my team mates.
Jason: Okay, if you say so.
Justin: By the way if you wish you can come along with me to watch us practicing and even to cheer my team in the tournament.
Jason: Wow, that sounds exciting. But….
Justin: But what?
Jason: Seeing you guys practicing is fine but I’m not sure if mom will allow me to attend the tournament.
Justin: Don’t worry, if you are willing then I can speak to her.
Jason: Really? You are the best brother in the world.
Justin: Anything for you my little brother.
Jason: Hmm…. Now I’m starving. What’s there in snacks?
Justin: There are some cream rolls left. If you want, I can fetch some for both of us.
Jason: Sure, please!
Justin: Here they are.
Jason: Thanks! Hmm…., these are very yummy.
Justin: For sure. Ha ha ha

Video Related Vocabulary for Kids to Learn English

Word: Bumped
Meaning: happen to cross paths with
Usage 1] Who do you think I bumped into the other day?
Usage 2] On my way home, I bumped into my uncle.

Word: Buddies
Meaning: friends
Usage 1] Up here, we had a lot of buddies.
Usage 2] We became good buddies in no time.

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