Start a Normal Conversation in English with Friends
It’s a normal conversation in English with friends inquiring about one another’s whereabouts. When we haven’t seen our friends in a long time, this is the best method to check in on them. It is critical that we converse with our friends in a relaxed manner and express concern for their well-being. Friendship isn’t only about hanging out and having a good time; it’s also about starting a conversation at a deeper level about how we can help them with their problems and be genuine friends.
All of the dialogues in video of a Normal Conversation in English with Friends
Justin: Hi Neil.
Neil: Hey man.
Justin: Where are you these days? You are nowhere in the campus buddy.
Neil: On yeah, recently I have joined tutorial classes which begins dot after college. This makes it impossible to hang out with you guys in the campus.
Justin: Oh, coaching classes. What’s the name of the coaching classes?
Neil: “Best Tutorials”.
Justin: Wow…that’s amazing buddy. That means you will be the next topper.
Neil: I don’t know if I will be the next topper or not but I am sure that joining this coaching class was the best decision I have ever made.
Justin: Are there more seats available? I wish to join too.
Neil: I will need to enquire about it.
Justin: Even To be honest, I am having a hard time coping with so many doubts.
Neil: I joined because I was finding mathematics tough.
Justin: For me, all the subjects are going over my head. If I continue this way, I might be risking the entire year.
Neil: I read you. Why don’t you accompany me tomorrow to the class? I will introduce you to the clerk in charge and I am sure he will arrange to get you in.
Justin: You are a true friend mate.
Neil: I have built a good rapport with the clerk and by the way anything for you bro.
Justin: Thank you so much. Is that all? Don’t I have to take some sort of documents for the process.
Neil: Oh yes, I almost forgot about that. Please carry your school id and your last year’s mark sheet. That’s all.
Justin: Noted. Anything more?
Neil: Maybe you can ask your parents to be ready to pay the first part payment installment, while we are filling the admission form.
Justin: Do you want them to join us too?
Neil: No that’s not what I meant. They can be at home and pay it online.
Justin: Okay, I will inform them.
Neil: Just to be on the safer side it’s good to make the payment the time we are with the clerk. You never know if someone visits him after us and makes the payment before us then you might be out.
Justin: You are a smart guy Neil. Hats off to you. You have always been ahead of all of us.
Neil: Nothing like that. I just follow my dad’s one particular sentence, ‘Better safe than sorry’.
Justin: That’s so true man.
Neil: Hey Justin, I have to leave now. See you tomorrow.
Justin: It’s alright, bye bye.
Vocabulary from the Normal Conversation in English with Friends video
Word: Campus
Meaning: grounds and buildings of an educational institution such as college or university
Usage i] We have a beautiful campus.
Usage ii] Motorcycle stunts are not allowed in the campus.
Word: Tutorial
Meaning: lessons
Usage i] I went through the online tutorials received from my tutor.
Usage ii] The tutorial was not useful though.
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