How to Introduce Yourself in English
You are the only one who knows you better than you know yourself. So why don’t you take advantage of every opportunity to introduce yourself so that everyone knows who you are. This is the finest video to learn how to introduce oneself in English in that regard. English is the world language, and it is critical that we study it so that our talents are not controlled by borders or limits. We can go wherever we want and work wherever we want based on our skills, and learning English will make your life simpler since you will be able to make new acquaintances and hang out with them as if you have known them for years. So overcome all obstacles by learning English and speaking in the manner in which people in the West do.
All of the dialogues from How to Introduce Yourself in English video
Akash: Hey! Do you mind if I sit here?
Justin: No, go ahead.
Akash: Thanks. By the way, Hi…I am Akash.
Justin: (shaking hands) I am Justin.
Akash: So Justin what do you study?
Justin: I am a first year student of B.A. in English literature.
Akash: Wow. That’s really good.
Justin: And what about you?
Akash: I am doing Computer Science in B.Sc. second year.
Justin: Oh! That’s nice. So do you stay in hostel here?
Akash: No, I live with my uncle and aunt here. I am native from Nasik.
Justin: Wow! That’s really awesome.
Akash: What makes you feel awesome?
Justin: I mean to say, it’s wonderful to you live with your relatives in a new city and, honestly, one can enjoy home food every day.
Akash: Ohh, I agree, but you know, sometime home food is boring too.
Justin: What are you saying? Look at me, I stay here in hostel, and eat tasteless food everyday in canteen. You would never call home food boring if you were at my place.
Akash: No thanks, I don’t want to be at your place and lose my freedom. I am happy where I am. All the best to you.
Justin: Thanks bro I really need that. (Laughs) By the way what did you mean by losing freedom?
Akash: I mean the hostel rules you need to follow every time, its very irritating.
Justin: Oh, I agree. However, I have no other option.
Akash: No worries bro, friends?
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Justin: Friends(with smile).
Akash: By the way, what are you doing tomorrow?
Justin: Hhmm, tomorrow? Nothing special, since its Sunday, I will be at my room and will be completing my pending projects and nothing much.
Akash: In that case, I would like to invite you at my place tomorrow, please do come, you will enjoy the delicacies of what my aunt prepares.
Justin: Wow, I would love to but what’s the occasion?
Akash: It’s my uncle and aunt’s 25th wedding anniversary tomorrow.
Justin: Great, but how can I come, I mean we just met few minutes before and we don’t even know each other well.
Akash: Woah woah buddy, you are thinking too much.
Justin: I just feel your uncle and aunt might not like me coming there, as they never saw me before.
Akash: Hang on for a sec bro, you are thinking too much. You must come, they will not mind, they are very friendly and nice. My other friends are also coming, we will have fun.
Justin: Are you sure?
Akash: Yes, trust me. Actually, my uncle and aunt don’t have any children of their own. Hence, they always treated me like their own son, it was their idea to invite all my friends tomorrow. They will be happy to see you.
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Justin: Great, in that case, definitely I will be there tomorrow.
Akash: Sounds perfect, see you tomorrow at 6 in the evening. I will message you my address.
Justin: Perfect, by the way what shall I get for them; I mean you must be knowing what they like.
Akash: Oh, you don’t need bother but if you wish, then you can get a bunch of jasmine flowers, my aunt loves it.
Justin: Thanks buddy.
Akash: I got to go now, I have a class. Bye for now.
Justin: Okay, see you tomorrow. Bye bye.
Vocabulary from How to Introduce Yourself in English video
Word: Literature
Meaning: written artistic works and books
Usage i] I like reading English Literature.
Usage ii] She went abroad to study American Literature.
Word: Hostel
Meaning: lodging for a specific group of people such as students, workers, travelers etc.
Usage i] I lived in a hostel while I was a student.
Usage ii] We enjoyed our hostel life.
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