English Chatting Conversations: How to Make New Friends
We all make new acquaintances and are always conversing in English. However, only a small percentage of us understand how to interact effectively and create new relationships. Making new friends is one thing, but taking that friendship to the next level, where you can discuss your careers, jobs, and likes and dislikes is quite another. In every new relationship, both of these factors are crucial. So, learn how to communicate effectively in English and wow others with your current vocabulary and expertise. This strengthens your connection since you and your pals will be more progressive and will undoubtedly accomplish great things in life. Participate in a variety of English chatting conversations and make amazing friends in the process.
All of the dialogues used in the Making New Friends video above
Leena: Hey Justin, meet my friend, Rahul.
Justin: Hey Rahul, I love making friends.
Rahul: Likewise, dude.
Justin: Tell me Rahul, what do you do for a living?
Rahul: I’m a musician, I play the keyboard with a band and also perform at social events.
Justin: Oh, wow! It’s an amazing instrument since it allows to generate different sounds using inbuilt presets.
Rahul: Exactly and that is the reason I picked that up as my first instrument.
Justin: Wonderful! Even I play the guitar.
Rahul: Oh really! That’s good to know.
Justin: By the way, how long have you been playing the keyboard?
Rahul: I’m playing it since I was 7.
Justin: Amazing! And what a co-incidence.
Rahul: What about that?
Justin: Even I started playing guitar at 7.
Rahul: Maybe that’s the age when most kids take music lessons seriously.
Justin: True that. My dad gifted me a guitar on my 7th birthday and I naturally got engrossed with it.
Rahul: Its really good to know you Justin.
Justin: Why don’t we jam sometime?
Rahul: Are you sure?
Justin: Yes, I am serious. I have my small in-house studio.
Rahul: Excellent. In that case, we can jam over this weekend. What do you say?
Justin: Sounds perfect.
Rahul: Great, see you then. Also please send me your location.
Justin: Sure. Leena why don’t you join us too?
Leena: What will I do there? I don’t play any instrument.
Justin: I know that, but when we will jam, we will require an audience to applaud.
Leena: Ha ha ha sure I will be there. Maybe I can join in as a singer.
Rahul/Justin: Oh yes, that’s a great idea.
Leena: In that case my BFF Sophia is a professional drummer. I can ask her to join in too.
Rahul: This is getting very interesting; I will be playing for the first time along side a female drummer. (smiles)
Justin: I second that, this would turn out to be an extraordinary experience.
Leena: But I have a doubt.
Rahul/Justin: And what is that?
Leena: Is your studio equipped with acoustics, suitable for handling drum beats? It shouldn’t be a nuisance to the neighbors.
Justin: Don’t worry I got that covered just a month back. And now the studio is treated even to handle hard beats.
Leena: Seems to make sense now. Let’s do this.
Vocabulary from the English Chatting Conversations video above
Word: Likewise
Meaning: in the same way
Usage i] She wanted to skate likewise, but was feeling very tired.
Usage ii] Sam suggested we should all click a pic likewise.
Word: Band
Meaning: group of musicians that perform together
Usage i] The band was playing really good.
Usage ii] Finally, I got a chance to play in a band.
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