English Conversation for Kids – Talking about Smartphones
Easy English Conversation for Kids – Technology advancements have always piqued everyone’s interest. Consumers were simply charmed by the innovation itself, thus there was no need for marketing to entice them. As we have seen, everything has its advantages and disadvantages, and it is more essential for us to be aware of them and handle them gracefully than to entirely fall for them. However, children are frequently entangled in this turmoil and have the opportunity to get hooked to it. As parents, seniors, or responsible residents of society, we must take responsibility for informing our children about the benefits and drawbacks of using cellphones.
Two kids debate the pro’s and cons of smartphones in the video below, which is a great English conversation for kids to learn how to deal with electronics. It is our responsibility to teach our children what is good and wrong, and then to trust that they will make the correct decision at the appropriate time.
All of the dialogues from English Conversation for Kids video above
Justin: Hey Frew! What’s up!
Frew: Hi Justin. I tried calling you multiple times….
Justin: Ah! Actually, most of the time I am not with my mobile phone.
Frew: Oh really?
Justin: Yes, I limit myself to making and receiving important calls as well quick texts only few times a day.
Frew: Oh, which phone are you using?
Justin: Samsung S20.
Frew: Woah, that’s a great one. But why don’t try it’s other features?
Justin: It’s because I don’t have anything to do with them.
Frew: What do you mean?
Justin: I mean, I think I have better alternatives to complete my requirement.
Frew: Well, but almost all the latest mobile features are great too.
Justin: Indeed. Which phone are you using?
Frew: iPhone 12 Pro
Justin: And what do you use it for?
Frew: For messaging, calls, clicking picks, selfies and taking videos. Sometimes also to play video games.
Justin: But I find you completely absorbed with your mobile phone for almost all day. What do you do all the time?
Frew: Play video games. What else would I be doing?
Justin: But it’s quite a lot of time to waste on that.
Frew: It’s not a big deal, you know.
Justin: Are you serious? I mean, a lot of that time can be instead put to use for something that’s more productive.
Frew: But then, one will hardly use smartphone at all!
Justin: Exactly! This is what I wanted to point out. The purpose should be to make the best use of the gadget and not the other way round.
Frew: I am not sure if I still get you.
Justin: What I mean is, the intent of buying any gadget, should always be to use it instead of getting addicted to the gadget and it’s features.
Frew: Hmm…. Something’s telling me that you’re right.
Justin: That’s because I am! When you start using any gadget beyond your actual requirement then you are no longer using it but wasting your precious time in addition to compromising on your health.
Frew: But then why have smartphones even come into existence! I mean, are the manufacturers of this fools?
Justin: No, of course not! They have just tried and have turned out to be successful in making a normal phone into an all-in-one device, by adding more features.
Frew: Which means, phone features which seem good to me might not work for you. Is that correct?
Justin: Absolutely. Moreover, the features that interest you should be used wisely otherwise you are killing yourself. Frew: Oh, I see. Thanks for bringing this point to my notice, Justin. I shall take this as an advice. Thanks once again.
Justin: No issues. I’m always with you.
Frew: Thanks mate.
Conversation for Kids Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Multiple
Meaning: containing several elements or instances
Usage 1] We printed multiple copies of the document.
Usage 2] The mobile phone has multiple layers of security settings.
Word: Alternative
Meaning: more options are available
Usage 1] What other alternatives do you have?
Usage 2] We went with an alternative approach.
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