Asking for and Giving Directions in English

It’s a great discussion to practice asking for and giving directions in English. In this video lesson, you will see a person who is trapped and unable to find the destination. It is quite normal to become disoriented when visiting a new location. However, if you are a skilled and fluent communicator, you can avoid this issue. As a result, you may quickly request assistance from passers-by and arrive at your destination.

All of the Dialogues used in the Video above

asking for directions in english

Justin: Excuse me Ma’am. Sorry to bother you.
Passerby-1: Yes, what is it about?
Justin: Can you please direct me to the “XYZ” mall?
Passerby-1: Sure, it’s on St. Peters Road.
Justin: How do I get there? Actually, I am new to this place and have no idea about St. Peters Road.
Passerby-1: Never mind. Take your first right which will lead you to 7th Avenue. That’s the quickest way to get there.
Justin: Thank you so much. I appreciate it.

Justin after reaching 7th avenue.

Justin: Sorry to bother you Sir. But I need some help.
Passerby-2: I am listening.
Justin: Thanks, that was easy. I am unable to find XYZ mall. I know it is somewhere close but seems am lost.
Passerby-2: Never mind. This place is like a maze for every stranger. Walk down the pavement and take your first right and then left to St. Peters road.
Justin: Okay! So that’s the place where the Mall is.
Passerby-2: No, it’s not. Once there, ask for help once again. Just so that you don’t go round and round.
Justin: Okay I got it. Thank you very much Sir. You made my day.

asking for directions conversation

Now Justin talking to himself: Man, this is just an amazing place. How on earth can someplace be in the heart of the city, yet so difficult to find. Even good maps fail to be of any assistance in this case.

Justin reaches the location that the Passerby-2 guided.

Justin: Hey mate, would you please guide me to the XYZ Mall?
Passerby-3: You bro, you just left it behind.
Justin: You mean, what?
Passerby-3: You need to go back a bit and take the alley to your left and at the end of it, you will find your destination.
Justin: Oh man, this is so exhausting! (speaks to himself)
Justin: Thanks mate. If it weren’t for you, I might have almost lost here.
Passerby-3: I understand. Come along, I am walking that way, might as well take you there. This place is sort of a puzzle in itself.
Justin: Of course, it is! You see my google maps wouldn’t help too.
Passerby-3: Most often people here misguide as they themselves aren’t aware of the entire locality.
Justin: (laughs) I am fortunate, everyone I enquired with, was able to guide me perfectly well.
Passerby-3: Lucky you.

Asking for and Giving Directions in English Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Bother
Meaning: to disturb someone
Usage i] I didn’t want to bother you.
Usage ii] Would it bother you if I pull over?

Word: Direct
Meaning: guide someone by providing helpful information
Usage i] A director directs the orchestra.
Usage ii] Traffic officer directed traffic.

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