At the Airport Conversation
How can we forget to learn conversational English used at the airport when we’re learning about so many circumstances and other English conversations? Because we all enjoy travelling and seeing new areas, we frequently visit airports, and this is an attempt to show you the sort of talk that occurs at airports. However, learn various words, phrases, and classified language that you may use the next time you visit the airport and engage in an insightful talk.
Dialogues used in the video At the Airport Conversation
Justin: Jason, come on hurry up. Enough of playing mobile games now.
Jason: Give me two minutes. Please….
Justin: No way kiddo, you can continue once we board. But for now, let’s check-in.
Jason: As you say big brother. I wish dad and mom would have been here, they would have allowed me to do whatever I want.
Justin: Don’t be such a jerk. They have business to do and we have holidays to spend. That is the reason we are going to Canada to be with uncle Ethan for a month. I’m so excited.
Jason: Hmm… that’s so true.
(At the check-in counter)
Check-in Attendant: Good afternoon sir, may I have your tickets please?
Justin: Oh, sure. Here you go!
Check-in Attendant: Ah, I see. Justin and Jason, correct?
Justin: Yup, it’s just us. Me and my little brother.
Check-in Attendant: That’s fine. Do you have any luggage to be checked-in?
Jason: Yes, we have two travelling bags.
Check-in Attendant: Okay, please keep your luggage on the weighing machine.
Justin: Sure ma’am.
Check-in Attendant: Umm… I’m afraid but you have luggage over the allowed weight.
Justin: Oh really? Now what? Won’t we be able to take all our baggage with us?
Check-in Attendant: Don’t worry. No need to panic. It’s just that you need pay one extra dollar per kilo/ per pound in order to get your luggage checked in.
Jason: But what if we don’t wish to pay?
Check-in Attendant: In that case you need to discard extra baggage here and get your bags checked in.
Justin: No issues, I will pay for it. Do you accept cards?
Check-in Attendant: Yes, we do.
Justin: Take this card.
Check-in Attendant: Okay, hold on for a sec.
Jason: Hmm…, I wasn’t aware that dad handed you his debit card. I’m very upset.
Justin: Don’t get mad about it. You are still small to be given such a responsibility. Moreover, this decision did help us, right?
Jason: Oh yes. Indeed.
Check-in Attendant: Okay, here’s the receipt for your extra luggage. Please move to counter number10 for the security scan.
Justin: Great, are we done here?
Check-in Attendant: Yes.
Justin: Thanks.
(At the security counter)
Security Guard: Please pass through the scanner Sir.
Justin: Sure.
Security Guard: Huh, all good. Now it’s your turn kiddo, come here.
Jason: Okay.
Security Guard: (security alarm rings) Wait a min, there’s something inside that shouldn’t be. Hey kid please open your backpack.
Jason: Okay, please have a look.
Security Guard: (checking the backpack) Oh, I’m afraid kid, you can’t take this.
Jason: But this is just a fidget spinner and it’s my favorite one.
Security Guard: I’m sorry you cannot take this along; I need to confiscate this. The blades are sharp like knife, such objects are prohibited on board.
Jason: Hmm… I understand. My bad, I shouldn’t have brought this with me.
Security Guard: Now you can move towards gate number 11.
(At the gate number 11)
Flight Attendant: Please can I have your boarding passes? We are all set for boarding now.
Justin: Sure, take this.
Flight Attendant: Great, please proceed to the aircraft.
Jason: Thanks.
Flight Attendant: Please take your seats in the third row. Have a wonderful journey.
At the Airport Conversation Related Vocabulary
Word: Mobile games
Meaning: Games for handheld devices like mobile phones
Usage 1: I love playing mobile games on my phone.
Usage 2: My nephew is addicted to mobile games.
Word: Check-in
Meaning: Passenger registration and luggage drop-off for a flight
Usage 1: We had a smooth check-in process.
Usage 2: The airline had a strict check-in policy.
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