Conversation about Traffic Jams – Basic English Speaking
Bringing you the most prevalent issue, which practically all of us will encounter on a daily basis throughout our lives. Every day, we rush to go to our respective workplaces, schools, or other destinations. And in order to do so, we commute using a variety of public transportation options; nonetheless, the road transportation option is by far the most frustrating. The traffic delays are insane, and they invariably cause us to arrive at our destination later than anticipated. But as always, I’m of the opinion that talking about problems is the best way to resolve them, and as a result, I’ve brought a brand-new lesson for all of you, which is the conversation about traffic.
To better handle future encounters of this nature, you should acquire basic English speaking skills as well as traffic-related terminology. Alter the current state of affairs about traffic congestion by presenting the relevant authorities with novel solutions to the problem; this will allow the issue to be managed effectively in the long term.
All of the dialogues from Conversation about Traffic video
(Justin is at a book store waiting for his dad)
Justin: (calls his dad on the phone) Hey Dad, where are you?
Dad: Hey, I’m stuck in the traffic. It will take some more time to reach you.
Justin: No issues dad. Meanwhile I will grab some hotdog for myself.
Dad: Perfect. Please go ahead. (hangs up the phone)
(Few minutes later)
Justin: (calls dad again) Dad, it’s been longer than expected. How far have you reached?
Dad: Yes, I know. It’s taking longer than usual. It’s very annoying but that’s how the traffic in our city is.
Justin: I understand. Getting stuck in a traffic jam is terrible.
Dad: I’m glad you understand. I’ll be there in 5 mins. Just hold on.
Justin: Okay, I’m waiting.
(5 Minutes Later Dad picks Justin up)
Dad: I’m so sorry son, I kept you waiting for quite a long.
Justin: No issues dad, it wasn’t your fault anyways. But its really sad that traffic jams are really very common these days.
Dad: I agree. Due to heavy traffic jams, we are losing on valuable time which we would otherwise utilize for better purposes.
Justin: But I’m failing to understand. Why isn’t the administration able to tackle this situation smartly?
Dad: It’s because they aren’t the only ones supposed to be held responsible to curtail these traffic jams.
Justin: What do you mean?
Dad: As far as I understand the administration is responsible for the better infrastructure we already have in place.
Justin: So, who is responsible for this traffic?
Dad: Truth is always bitter. In fact, to a larger extent, we common people are responsible for these traffic jams too.
Justin: It’s not adding up dad.
Dad: Okay, let me explain. The number of cars on the streets are more than expected. More often than not, people are using private vehicles than public transport.
Justin: Yes, I agree with you but this is more to do with the mismanagement of the administration. Look, the population is growing every year but our infrastructure is not improving accordingly.
Dad: Okay, that says you are noticing.
Justin: Just imagine that if we have many broad roads, well-structured and well-connected flyovers, frequent trams and 24 x 7 working hours industries.
Dad: Then we will never have traffic jams ever.
Justin: That’s correct. Also, it’s important to check on the unfavorable street conditions. Especially, after monsoon and get them repaired at the earliest.
Dad: Brilliant! I’m impressed. I never knew that you’re so concerned about this issue.
Justin: I’ve been lately thinking a lot about this and it’s very frustrating.
Dad: Moreover, due to these jams ambulances are unable to reach hospitals on time resulting unexpected deaths. It’s quite alarming.
Justin: It’s a nightmare.
Dad: And last but not the least the violation of traffic rules by people is very much contributing to this nuisance.
Justin: Exactly! Let’s hope that the newly elected authorities would come forward with some calculative measures to resolve this issue.
Dad: Let’s hope for the best.
Conversation about Traffic Video Related Vocabulary
Word: Traffic jams
Meaning: Congestion caused by high vehicle volume
Usage 1: I was late for work due to the traffic jam on the highway.
Usage 2: The city council is discussing solutions to reduce traffic jams.
Word: Administration
Meaning: Management of government or organization
Usage 1: The new administration has promised to prioritize education reform.
Usage 2: The administration was criticized for its lack of transparency.
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