Museum Vocabulary and Dialogues in English

This is a fantastic English lesson that focuses on museum vocabulary, and it is sure to pique your children’s enthusiasm in going to the museum. These days, children would rather spend their time playing video games, posting on social media, and messaging their pals than travelling to see real sights. This is because they find visiting real locations to be uninteresting. Giving kids access to this course will be a huge step in the right direction toward keeping them grounded in reality while still preserving their innocence and modesty.

Have a look at the video that can be seen below; it features a discussion that takes place between a mother and her children while they are touring a museum. The characters are in a good mood and having a lot of museum-related conversations. When you visit a museum, it will be much easier to speak with your kids if you are familiar with the terminology used there.

All of the dialogues from Museum Vocabulary and Dialogues video

at the museum

(Justin & Jason are visiting the museum with their mom)

Mom: Come on kids, hurry up. Get in the car. We have to get moving for the museum. It shuts down at 5.00 p.m.
Justin: Yes mom, I’m ready to go.
Mom: And where’s your brother?
Jason: I’m here mom, I thought to borrow dad’s camera.
Justin: Why do you need the camera?
Jason: I want to capture everything at the museum.
Justin: You aren’t allowed to click photographs at the museum kiddo.
Jason: Are you kidding me?
Justin: Believe it or not but that’s true.
Jason: Oh My God. But why?
Justin: It’s the part of their policies.
Jason: Policies? What type of policies?
Justin: Every museum in the world prohibits clicking photos or shooting videos while you have entered the museum.
Jason: But what’s their intention behind that? What do they wish to convey?
Justin: This measure helps the museum safeguard the visual rights of the historical art and the cultural work from being copied by people visiting the place.
Jason: Oh, I see. Under these circumstances, I’d better keep the camera at home.
Justin: Good decision.

(In the Queue at the museum)

museum vocabulary and dialogues in english

Jason: Justin, are you aware of the hours of operations at the museum?
Justin: Yes, its open from 11:00am to 05:00pm. Don’t worry its just 3 o’clock which means we have plenty of time to explore here.
Jason: Mom, I want some snacks. Can I go and pick something for myself and Justin?
Mom: Not now son. Refreshments are prohibited in the museum. After museum we will go to a restaurant.
Jason: Ah, I guess everything is prohibited in the museum besides humans.
Justin: Stop overreacting Jason, let’s explore the art.
Jason: Yeah, let’s get the passes first.

(At the ticket window)

Mom: Excuse me, how much for the entry passes?
Ticket Counter Attendant: 5 dollars for kids under 12 and 10 dollars for adults including teens.
Mom: Okay, please give me 3 entry passes, 2 for adults and 1 for a kid. Here’s the money.
Ticket Counter Attendant: Please have these passes.
Mom: Thanks.

(At the Museum)

Jason: Justin, have you ever visited this museum?
Justin: Yes, once probably when I was your age.
Jason: Really? And I’m visiting for the very first time.
Mom: I’m sure you will enjoy it.
Jason: Mom, why do we visit the museum?
Mom: Museums are built to educate people about ancient history, sculptures, paintings, artifacts, idols, documents and much more.
Jason: But how can this be useful to me at this age?

museum vocabulary

Mom: The overall environment of any museum stimulates interest of every individual to experience its uniqueness irrespective of their age.
Jason: I’m not sure if I will ever understand what you meant.
Mom: But I’m sure at the end of this visit you will definitely have some take away which will create lasting memories for you.
Justin: Come on Jason. You’re thinking too much. Just go with the flow.

(Few minutes later)

Mom: Tell me son how did you feel after exploring the museum? Was it worth visiting?
Jason: Hmm… according to me the overall experience was fantastic.
Justin: We’re glad you enjoyed it.
Jason: Mom was right, I actually learnt many things. It was certainly well worth visiting the museum.

Museum Video Related Vocabulary

Word: Museum
Meaning: Place exhibiting historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural objects
Usage 1: The museum displays ancient artifacts and paintings.
Usage 2: My favorite museum is the one that has a science exhibition.

Word: Policies
Meaning: Organization’s rules or guidelines for regulating actions
Usage 1: The museum’s policies prohibit visitors from taking pictures of the artwork.
Usage 2: Before joining a new company, you should read and understand their policies.

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